Posted by orthodox baha'is of pakistan

The believers from Rawalpindi:
The Secretary of the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Rawalpindi, Mr. S.A Kazmi, wrote a “two page” letter on 7th October 1960 addressed to the NSA, LSA, Baha’i Groups and isolated believers in Pakistan. The following is an excerpt from the letter:
“Ever since the death of our Beloved First Guardian of the Faith, Shoghi Effendi, we have been pondering over the question of the Guardianship that is inseparable from the Administration of the Baha’i Faith as given in the Will and Testament of the Beloved Master Abdu’l Baha…
We earnestly hope that the believers will read and re-read the Will and Testament of the Blessed Master Abdu’l Baha in a true Bahai spirit with a view to upholding the principle of independent investigation of truth since enunciated by Baha’u’llah and moreover when it is purely meant for this purpose and none else.
You are now to judge and decide individually whether you need the Divine Guidance through the line of Infallible Guardians exactly in accordance with the Will and Testament of Master Abdu’l Baha or Administration run by the Hands of the Faith contrary to the aforesaid Sacred Document, meets your spiritual requirements?”


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