Posted by orthodox baha'is of pakistan

The Baha'i Faith took root in the great subcontinent of India during the early years of the Ministry of Baha'u'llah. In the chronological list of countries opened to the Faith from 1844 to 1950, Burma ranks third among the one hundred reported, India ranks sixth and Pakistan ninth.

At the start of the Crusade, Pakistan was administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of India, Pakistan and Burma. The Guardian's Plan called for both Burma and Pakistan to form separate National Assemblies, and Pakistan was first to achieve this with the calling of its first Convention in Karachi on April 27-30, 1957. Hand of the Cause Shu'a'u'llah 'Ala'i was the First Guardian's personal representative. Later on The Second Guardian declared Shu'a'u'llah 'Ala'I as covenant breaker for going against the Will and Testament of Abdul Baha and denying the matter of continuation of Guardianship.

Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi was the Secretary of the newly formed National Spiritual Assembly of Baha’i of Pakistan and after the demise of the first Guardian Shoghi Effendi, he followed the second Guardian Mason Remy fulfilling the Covenant of Bahaullah.Here is a very brief account of the life history of this Crusader of True Faith of Bahaullah.


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