Posted by orthodox baha'is of pakistan

Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi was an Oxford graduate and man of letters. In 1923 when the First NSA of India and Burma was formed, Mr. Hashmatullah was elected its secretary

[Bahai World Volume I]

 In those days the secretary use to change depending upon the place of establishment of NSA.In 1934 N.S.A. was shifted to Shimla its Caretaker was Abbas Ali Butt. Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi was one of its members. The Nine-member assembly formed was,

N.R. Vakil of Surat
Pritam Singh of Lahore
S.M. Roumi of Mandalay
Hashmatullah Qureshi of Delhi
Isfandiar Bakhtiyari of Karachi
Isfandiar Behram of Bombay
M. H. Ilmi of Delhi
Hormuz Khodbaksh of Pune
Ormsby Mollier of Bombay

[Bahai World Volume II]

Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi also worked as STAFF OF EDITORS of
Bahai World Volume III.

[Baha’i World, VOLUME III.]

Some years later Nemur Effendi followed in the footsteps of Mirza Jalal in India, leaving a train of spectacular Bahai’s: among them N. R. Vakil, Pritam Singh, M.A., Mahfoozu'l Haq Ilmi, prominent teacher and editor of the Urdu Monthly, Kaukab-i-Hind; Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi, Oxford graduate and man of letters; the late Professor Shirazi of Karachi; and many another, generously devoting his life to the Cause.

[Bahai World Volume V]

"In order to effect coordination between the friends of India and Burma, the N. S. A. deputed Mr. Hashmatullah to visit Burma and stimulate the friends of that country. As a result of this visit which produced general awakening among our Burmese brothers, it was decided to form a National Council of the Baha’i of All-Burma under the direction of the N. S. A. This Council held its first meeting on the 9th, 10th and 11th of April, 1935, at Daidanaw, the Burmese Baha'i village, and passed several very important resolutions. One of them was the addition of an English and Urdu section to the already existing Burmese school at the village.

[Bahai World Volume VI]

A Travel teacher and establisher of Baha’i publishing committee
PUBLICATION.—through the constant prayers and effective instructions of the Beloved Guardian the Holy Faith has been developed with quick strides. The continuous tours and quickening visits of Mr. Siegfried Schopflocher and Miss Martha Root, the tours of Messrs. Isfandiar Bakhtiari, Mr. Hashmatu'llah and Mahfuzul Haq Ilmi have given an unprecedented publicity to our Faith and the demand for literature has been growing with the growing publicity. Mr. Hismatullah proposed the formation of an Indian Publishing Committee on the lines of American Publishing Committee.

[Bahai World Volume VII]
Not only Mr. Hashmatullah Qureshi but his Mrs. S.H Qureshi was also instrumental in spreading the Faith by giving public talks.

[Bahai World Volume VIII]

On January 15, 1943, the Assembly received a message from the First Guardian Shoghi Effendi informing the members that this event necessitated that they direct attention to the establishment of an administrative center for the Faith in India. The city of Delhi was designated. The Guardian himself contributed to the building fund, and with active participation by the local Assemblies of India and other National Spiritual Assemblies, it become possible, despite the difficulties of the war period, to purchase a house for .the centralizing of the Assembly activities. "In previous years," as the report states, "the National Office used to shift with (the residence of) the elected Secretary. As rapidly as possible, the stock of the Publishing Committee has been transferred from Lahore, and the Assembly records were being centralized and permanently arranged. In Delhi, India. The Secretary elected was Mr. Hashmatu'llah

[Bahai World Volume IX]

"Some believers from Persia, in response to the Guardian's appeal to settle in the countries adjoining Persia where the light of the Faith had not yet penetrated, migrated to Quetta, Baluchistan, where they were joined by some other believers.
"Mr. M. H. Ilmi settled in Aligarh and joined the group of believers there. Mr. Hasmatullah Qureshi paid them occasional visits and helped them in teaching enquirers, some of whom declared themselves as Baha’i thus making the formation of a Spiritual Assembly possible there.

[Bahai World Volume X]

After Mason Remy Proclamation, Mr. Hashmatullah Qureshi accepted wholeheartedly the Guardianship of Mason Remy fully aware that Guardianship is inseperable part of Bahai Adminstration as mentioned in Will and Testament of Abdul Baha.

The Sans Guardian Organisation removed him from Bahai Adminstration and unlawfully declared him as covenant Breaker.This True Follower of Bah’a’ullah till the end of his life kept on guiding the Baha’is towards the Matter of Continuation of Guardianship.


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