Posted by orthodox baha'is of pakistan

Believers from Lyallpur:
Six members of the Spiritual Assembly of Lyallpur jointly wrote on 26th September 1960 under the heading of “Declaration of faithfulness to the Second Guardian of the Baha’i Faith” as under:
“The spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Lyallpur has studied the Proclamation to the Baha’is of the World from Mason Remey and has come to the conclusion that the line of Guardianship of the Baha’i Faith is unbroken and hereby declare its faithfulness to Mason Remey, whom Shoghi Effendi DURING HIS OWN LIFETIME, in accordance to the Will and Testament of Master Abdu’l Baha, has appointed to fill the office of Guardianship of the Faith, is the Second infallible Guardian of the Baha’i Faith after ascension of the First Beloved Guardian of the Cause of God”
Names of the believers:
1. Sh. Ahsan Elahi, President
2. Dr. Altaf Rana, Vice President
3. Dr. M. A Samdani, Joint Secretary

4. Mrs. Majida Altaf, Member
5. Mr. Muhammad Ahsan Khan, Member
6. Ms. Zaheda Khanum, Member


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